Con Secundaria sí la haces, <br> ¡La hacemos todos!

Con Secundaria sí la haces,
¡La hacemos todos!

THE RENOWNED FILM photographer Ralph Gibson was lying in his shrink’s office in lower Manhattan a few years back, brooding. FedEx had knocked on his door that morning, delivering a digital camera the company Leica asked him to try out. But Gibson, in his mid-seventies, wasn’t sure he wanted to: He’d been shooting analog for 55 years. “I don’t know what to do with this,” he said.

But, suspending his skepticism, Gibson took the camera outside, pointed it at a manhole cover and snapped a photo. Just as he did, a bicycle zipped by, casting dramatic, spoked shadows across the pavement within the frame. “I looked at the display on the back of the camera and thought, ‘That looks like it could have been taken by me,” he says.

Con Secundaria sí la haces, <br> ¡La hacemos todos!

Gibson hasn’t looked back since. His new two-part show Digital Color—which opens at Leica Gallery Los Angeles on January 17, the day after his 80th birthday—features images created entirely with digital cameras, highlighting the qualities inherent to digital photography that make the medium unique.

“I’m not interested in making my images look like analog silver gelatin,” he says. “Right off the bat I didn’t care for that. If I had wanted an analog look, I would’ve stayed with my film.”

Con Secundaria sí la haces, <br> ¡La hacemos todos!
Con Secundaria sí la haces, <br> ¡La hacemos todos!

Uno de los productos centrales de la campaña era la creación del ‘pack de guias’; una colección de publicaciones en formato de guía breve, dirigidas a los estudiantes de secundaria para enseñarles desde cero cómo desarrollar productos creativos con los que puedan comunicar y expresar sus ideas, los cuales podían ser historieta gráfica, entrevista de radio , video, obra de teatro o mural.

Con Secundaria sí la haces, <br> ¡La hacemos todos!